Helpful Spanish Resources

 This week we want to recommend some linguistic resources in Spanish which may be really useful for linguists, translators, editors, proofreaders… any language professional working with the Spanish language.

These resources are created or supervised by experts in the Spanish language, so be assured that they can be followed as normative references.

Here are some of them with a brief explanation:

  • Diccionario de la lengua española, Real Academia Española, Madrid, Ed. Espasa-Calpe: The RAE Dictionary is usually considered as the highest authority on the Spanish language.

  • Diccionario panhispánico de dudas, Real Academia Española & Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española, Madrid, Ed. Santillana: It is a reference tool with more than 7000 entries with answers to the frequently asked questions about Spanish use.

  • Fundación del español urgente: It is a non-profit organization that provides uniform criteria regarding the use of Spanish and promotes the good use of the language.

  • Diccionario panhispánico del español jurídico (DPEJ): It is a very handy tool for legal terminology in Spanish. It also includes the legislation of the member countries. It is great for those who specialize in legal translations!

  • Diccionario de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina: This is a medical dictionary that includes thousands of terms related to Medicine. This resource is of great use for those who specialize in Healthcare and Pharmaceutics.

We hope that you can find these resources very handy for your translation jobs.

Do you know another one? Share it in the comment section below!
