Editing Tips

In previous posts, we have mentioned suggestions that would help you improve your skills as a competent translator. Today we are presenting you a list of points to take into account when editing. This is like an editing checklist that includes all the essential issues to check for while reviewing a piece and before delivering it.

  • Go through a piece of writing line by line, look closely at the words written to find any grammatical errors or typos.
  • Read the Style Guide and follow the guidelines laid out. Add them to your editing checklist.
  • Check that the language, tone, and pace are according to the client's request.
  • Pay attention to unintentional changes in the style of expressions.
  • Be consistent and use the same verbs, nouns, or phrases for the translation of keywords.
  • Delete repeated words or expressions.
  • Verify that the piece flows smoothly.
  • Avoid using the passive voice when using an active voice is possible.
  • Check that the vocabulary is coherent to your target audience. Think of better words or phrases to replace those you are in doubt with.
  • Review the document for factual errors, such as place names, historical references, dates, or geographical locations.
  • Add information if you consider it necessary for a better understanding.
  • Look over the spelling of each word.
  • Scan that punctuation is consistent.
  • Read the text multiple times to find all the weak sentences, grammar mistakes, punctuation errors, and spelling errors that may sound unnatural in the target language.
  • Run spell checker and grammar checkers and use external quality assurance software to avoid committing errors that the human eye cannot detect.

What other tips do you suggest for editing?

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