Top Hashtags for Translators

Top Hashtags for Translators


According to Twitter, the # symbol, called a hashtag, is used to mark keywords or topics on Twitter, and allows people to easily follow topics they are interested in. Placed before keywords, the main purpose of the hashtag is to connect people with others who are talking about the same topic. It was created organically by Twitter users as a way to categorize messages. It is used to get more exposure to a message as it will appear on the hashtag page which displays the tweet not only for followers but also for all users who click on the hashtag.

Useful hashtags

Various hashtags are totally new for people when they start working in the translation and localization industry. In this blog post, some useful hashtags for translators and people who work in the translation industry will be revealed. However, here is a tip, one of the best tools to figure out what some of the hashtags stand for is






translate: x = trans; l = l; 8 = ate


translation: t + 9 letters + n


localization: take the first letter “l”, then the number of letters up until the next to the last, and the last one “n”








medical translation


technical translation


multi languages


cross culture


machine translation






translation jobs


translator’s life






translate quote (presence of a quotation in the message)


language service providers


continuous professional development in the language/translation industries


translation events

Combining hashtags

To increase the chances of being seen and classified in the good theme, on the same publication we can find several hashtags combined. Understanding how to use hashtags can be influential when it comes to career prospects too. The proficient use of #translation #jobs and #translation #careers gives Twitter-savvy translators a distinct competitive advantage when it comes to sourcing new jobs. The same can be done with more specific combinations, such as #medxl8 #jobs according to the translator’s specialization.

As trends change, hashtags will change, so it is important to be up-to-date in order to use social networks to their full potential, gain, and share information within the translation world.

What are your essential Twitter translation hashtags? Let us know in the comments.
