Colleagues & Collaboration

Freelance work and collaboration seem to be two separate terms that are not in line with one another. However, when we started to work as freelance translators with Guadi, we realized that two heads are better than one.

Collaboration is working together towards achieving a common goal by sharing ideas and skills. It can happen in traditional as well as virtual teams. With advancements in technology, using programs to share files and communicating has become commonplace (we will share with you a list soon, so stay alert!).

When we ask our colleagues for collaboration, we bring together our knowledge, experience, and skills. Effective collaboration through clear channels of communication will allow all the freelancers to share their talent and find the most optimal solution to the term or idea at issue.

Effective communication fast-tracks progress. Probably in just a few minutes, by seeing an idea with fresh eyes, a solution may come up quickly to get things done in a short time. More competent, able, and experienced ideas may appear sooner than you could believe!

Your colleagues are your key to success, They are on the same track and they have experienced the feeling of not being able to reach a solution, so believe me, they will probably leave their stuff to help you. Sometimes they have seen something similar in their translations and they can provide you a clue for you to apply the same technique.

When we have worked for a lot of time and ideas do not come up, talking to a colleague is the key to feel accompanied, pool your talents, and speed up solutions, even 200 km away or more!

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