Computer-Assisted Translation vs Machine Translation

Have you ever wondered if these terms mean the same or if they refer to two different things? If so, in this article, you will learn about that.

Thanks to all technological advancements in the translation industry over the past decades, these two technologies have emerged, and usually, these terms are confused or misused.

Computer-assisted translation (CAT), also known as machine-aided human translation (MAHT), is the use of software programs to translate texts. These software programs are translation tools, since they are specifically created to assist translators in the translation process. However, it should be clarified that the translation work is performed by a human translator who uses these translation tools as an aid.

Nowadays, there are several CAT Tools available to facilitate translators’ work. Incorporating these tools in the translation process could mean great benefits for linguists and the client. You can learn more about the advantages of using cat tools in this blog post that we wrote a few weeks ago.

Machine Translation (MT), also referred to as automated translation, is an automatic translation from one language to another (as its name suggests) without human intervention. In this case, the translation is done only by an automatic translation engine (or a machine). This technology can be used to translate great amounts of words really fast. However, these engines deliver raw machine translation that may have all kinds of translation and language mistakes, depending on the type of engine used. In order to improve its output, there is usually an instance of Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE) performed by a human translator in order to ensure a high-quality translated text.

Even though these terms can be mistaken, the former is a translation aid for human translators whereas the latter is a translation machine.

In our company, we work with human translators who use CAT tools to translate texts from English into Spanish or vice versa.

If you need translation services to translate your branded content and go global, we are ready to help you!

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