The Impact of Bad Translations

A poorly translated text can have a detrimental effect on a company, including waste of time and money, customer and profit loss, as well as potential legal consequences and, eventually, bankruptcy.

A translation is considered bad or poor when it has grammar, spelling, and translation mistakes that usually affect the accuracy, fluency and/or style of the text. Errors related to terminology or locale conventions may also be included.

Thanks to technological advances and artificial intelligence, more and more people are resorting to machine translation to translate their branded content. That way, they can make their websites, brochures, blog articles, etc. available in different languages at little or no cost. The same way, some people hire bilingual people who are not professional linguists. However, all may lead to negative consequences in different aspects of their business.

It is common knowledge that in order to attract customers, companies have to look professional and reliable. The presence of linguistic mistakes that are the result of poor translations may give quite the opposite impression. In fact, scam or phishing e-mails can be spotted by the errors they contain, so a text that was poorly translated can lead to a lack of credibility and professionalism.

Another consequence of a poorly translated text is a bad user experience, which results in refund requests or loss of customers. Whether a product or a service is offered, a bad translation can lead to nothing good. If product or service descriptions are difficult to read or cannot be easily understood, chances are that potential customers will not acquire any of them.

Besides, branded content should be both linguistically and culturally appropriate in order to entice customers to get what you offer. Culturally inappropriate content or content that has not been properly localized can offend the target audience and harm a company’s reputation.

Besides, mistranslations that result in wrong descriptions of offerings can lead to lawsuits and fines, since this may provide misleading information and people may misunderstand what are they getting when buying a product or service from a company.

Thus, it is a great idea to invest in a great language service that will reflect your branded content accurately (both linguistically and culturally) in a different language for a different audience. This way, a company can succeed in the same way they do in their host country.

We can help you reach Spanish-speaking countries successfully!

Focus on your company’s core business, we translate your content. Contact us at or by e-mail at to go global!

