Freelance vs. In-house

As you start your career as a translator, it may be possible that you do not know what the different options are to start working in the translation industry.

There are two main paths that you can follow: you can work as a freelance or in-house translator. In this blog post, we will outline the differences between both, since each career has its advantages and disadvantages.

Although these career options involve translating content, they are quite different when it comes to income, work style, required skills, and time off, so let’s see them in detail. This way, you can have a better idea of which one to choose.

In-house translator:

  • Working in-house includes having a fixed work schedule, which means that you will probably work during regular office hours, for example, from 9 to 18. It is highly likely that you need to go to an office and share it with coworkers and the rest of the company’s staff. This means that you won’t be alone and, if you ever need help with your work, you will find a colleague willing to assist you. You may be offered company perks, such as free food, event tickets, gift cards, transport, to name a few. Besides, you will work for a fixed and pre-agreed salary, meaning that even if the workflow increases or decreases over months, you will still receive that amount in your bank account. This way, you know for sure how much money you will earn each month and you can organize your life accordingly. Having a permanent position within a translation company also comes with paid vacation days and sick leave for those days in which you need to take some time off or you do not feel well enough to go to work. Thus, you do not lose any money if you miss some days at work.

Freelance translator:

  • Being a freelancer means organizing your own working time. You will have a lot more flexibility, since you decide when you start working and when you stop. If you are an early bird, you can begin working in the morning and during the day to take the evening and night off, whereas if you are a night owl, you will definitely prefer working at night and enjoy the day. It is likely that you work at home or in a co-working space (which is) becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Working at home can be very comfortable, as you do not have a dress code (or maybe it’s your PJs). You can also eat or drink some beverages whenever you feel like doing so, and you can work at your own peace by yourself, but always considering deadlines. The amount of money you earn monthly will depend on how many hours you work and the workflow. It is possible that some months you will get many words to translate, but this may not always be the case. This means that your earnings will be unpredictable and, thus, you will need to have a plan for those months in which you get fewer translation jobs. However, you can take as many vacation days as you want or, even better, you can work while travelling, since you only need a computer and an Internet connection. Apart from your translation skills, you will also need marketing, accounting & self-motivation skills in order to succeed.

Which option do you prefer? Why? Leave your comment below!
