The Importance of Focusing on Clients

The farther the distance between an organization and its customers, the higher the likelihood of failure. It is highly known that the success of any business can be attributed to its customers. As we have mentioned in a previous post, in order to reach those customers and communicate your message effectively, it is essential to transfer the company’s content into their native language.

Below are listed some facts about customers’ perspectives to better understand what happens when facing language barriers. If your content is not written in the potential client’s tongue, expect to face some serious customer dissatisfaction.

People are more likely to purchase or hire services from a brand if their website and product or service information are available in their native language.

Most of the customers give positive feedback to companies offering multilingual customer services and language interpretation options.

Clients prefer hiring services from companies they know they will have great experience in their own language, since being able to communicate your message in your customer’s language establishes trust.

Many consumers are willing to pay more for a product or service because of the customer service they receive from a company, which includes multilingual support.

Being customer-focused and translating the content to the target market language puts companies in a better position to help their customers, so they will sense and see that an extra effort is made, and there are more probabilities that they purchase or hire that company´s products or services.

The global markets are becoming more and more diverse, which increases the need to understand your customers’ cultural background and to communicate with them as seamlessly as possible. This includes speaking your customers’ language.

Our team of professional translators specialized in localization can help you expand in Spanish-speaking countries. GITS is a company that offers customized translation services & localization solutions tailored to your business. Do not hesitate to contact us through our web page, email, Twitter, or LinkedIn. We offer solutions and provide you with the service that best suits your needs.

Focus on your company’s core business, we translate your content!
