Entice Customers with Localization Services

Even if a target audience knows the language of a website, nothing will reach them as effectively as words in their native language. Translating your content or localizing your product, service, and its accompanying platforms such as websites or e-commerce platforms into a different language is essential to generate a positive multilingual experience for users.

According to a recent Common Sense Advisory Study, People worldwide prefer consuming information in their own language. In fact, 52.4 percent of people surveyed said they would only purchase a product online if the website contains information in their native language, and 56.2 percent said having information in their language was more important than price.

A study published in the Harvard Business Review found that more than 70 percent of consumers require information in their own language before making a purchase.

An additional study by Facebook found that Hispanics in the U.S. view brands that advertise in Spanish more positively.

The localization of your content boosts consumer trust in your brand, as internet users are more likely to buy when they have access to information in their native language. Due to the fact that content localization represents a higher level of translation including cultural, regional, and lifestyle choices of potential customers in question, it makes content far more appealing to a local audience.

Translating digital content into new languages can improve the confidence customers have in the product and service offerings. When translating content into new languages, companies are tailoring their content to their customers’ unique cultural preferences. This enables businesses to better communicate with their customers so that they trust their offerings and they are more likely to buy them.

High-quality and conversion-oriented translation and localization services are the keys to success for brands seeking to reach new clients. All of this and more is achievable through the innovative work of a professional translation company such as GITS. Translation requires an investment, but this investment pays dividends.

Choosing a translation service provider that can add to the linguistic aspect a deeper understanding of the cultural nuances of the target audience will help you succeed in communicating your brand messaging and identity effectively.

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Focus on your company´s core business, we translate your content.
